The SRT is on a roll… literally.
Gratitude & Partnerships:
First, a huge shout out and thank you to the REI Cooperative Action Fund for their incredible support. Their generous grant of $100,000 is a game-changer. We’ll tell you more about this exciting collaboration very soon!
That’s not all! We are thrilled to have Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Alabama and the Caring Foundation on board. A huge thank you to them for their substantial donation of $25,000! Their contribution will play a vital role in driving our initiative forward.
New Wheels & Unveiling the Trail:
Harbin Ford Scottsboro has blown us away with their commitment to the Singing River Trail by generously donating a 2021 Ford Explorer. This vehicle will be a rolling billboard for the SRT. We’re in the process of wrapping it with our trail map, a QR code for additional information, and recognition of the Harbin Family’s generosity. Keep an eye out for pictures!
In other exciting news, a section of the Singing River Trail has been opened as part of “The Dempsey” project in Town Madison, thanks to leadership by Mary Beth Broeren. This milestone marks a major step forward in realizing our vision of a connected and accessible trail network. For more information, click here.
Expansion & Accessibility:
Hold on to your hats, because we are thrilled to announce that the Singing River Trail and Alta Planning+Design are finalizing the SRT Western Route Plan, which will soon be released to the public. This detailed route plan will provide a clear vision for the trail’s Western expansion and how it will make the region even more accessible.
We’re also working with prominent landowners in Limestone County and Lawrence County on easements and public use access agreements. Through this effort, we are changing how future landowners view greenways and their property.
Enhanced Wayfinding & Partnerships:
We’re putting the final touches on our SRT signage, including a family of signs and wayfinding monuments/kiosks. Once they’re ready, we will begin an extensive sign installation campaign across North Alabama. These signs will not only guide trail users but also show our commitment to creating unforgettable memories.
We’ve got some seriously exciting collaborations on the horizon! SRT and Jacksonville State University are teaming up with the help of State Senator Andrew Jones. This partnership will be a major win for all parties involved!
Community Engagement:
The SRT House is beginning to be a bustling hub of activity. It’s been a blast hosting The Nature Conservancy, Launch 2035 Land Use Group, TARCOG, and the City of Hoover.
We were honored to welcome 22 leaders from the City of Hoover who visited the SRT House to learn about our vision and why we’re taking a broader Singing River Valley Approach – We are more than just a trail.
The Nature’s Conservancy will soon be joining us at the SRT House as part of our mission to work with other like-minded groups. They won’t be there full time, but we are excited to share our space with them.
Celebrating Entrepreneurship:
SRT sponsored another successful Singing River Trail Launch Tank competition in Athens. And let us tell you, it was a roaring success! We gave away a whopping $20,000 of privately raised money to inspire entrepreneurial growth in our eight counties. A huge thanks to our co-hosts John Joseph of the Decatur E-Center and Toni Eberhart of Booz Allan Hamilton/Urban Engine and Launch 2035 for making it happen!
More Excitement to Come:
We’ve been visiting Montgomery, collaborating with our elected officials at the state level, and things are moving forward. When a regional nonprofit like us sees the bigger picture, and when our like-minded state leaders are just as eager to get things done, you better watch out!
The Singing River Trail is gaining more and more support, and we are excited to share the latest news with you. Hold on tight because this update is jam-packed with exciting developments and incredible contributions that are propelling the Singing River Trail towards an even brighter future.